Dear President Obama

Image: Akuppa John Wigham/Creative CommonsWhat would you like to ask President Obama about climate change? Or perhaps you would like to show him some evidence of how climate change is affecting your life?

President Obama will be one of the most influential players at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris this December and PMA WorldView, in partnership with ITV News in the UK, have the opportunity to bring your evidence and questions to the attention of President Obama immediately before the climate summit.

logocop21-ppal_reduitMany people that the Public Media Alliance (PMA) work with around the world have already noticed the dramatic impact of climate change. From rising sea levels and an increase in extreme weather events, to warmer days and food scarcity – each one of us will feel the impact of this truly global problem.

Have you noticed our changing climate? What effect is climate change having on your life or to those living around you?

All you have to do is record a short video clip [maximum 1min 30seconds] with your question – or evidence – to President Obama. You could ask him for advice about how long it will be safe for you to live in your home country or put a question to him that relates to the way climate change affects you and the people who live around you.

From displacement to bleached corals, this is a chance for you to show the world what is really happening in your region.

For a chance to put your question to a man who really could make a difference then please record your film clip and send it to us via We Transfer or Dropbox.


7778362114_5221da5363_oYou should appear in your film stating who you are and where you live. Films can be shot on professional/standard cameras or mobile phones. By submitting your film you agree to grant Public Media Alliance non-exclusive rights for use and edit in all broadcast, internet, social and other media and the right to assign these to other media organisations.

You will of course be credited for your work and feel free to begin your clip with “Dear President Obama….”



Please send us your clip via Dropbox or WeTransfer to

You will also need to send us your full name, location and a small blurb about you. This will be used to credit your film.

There is still time to submit your video question or evidence to President Obama. 


Top image: Akuppa John Wigham/Creative Commons

Bottom right image: Steve Jurvetson/Creative Commons