The Pamir Kirghiz are a tribe of some 2,000 people from Afghanistan. For the last 27 years they have lived in exile in Eastern Turkey. In 2005 an Anglo-Turkish film crew arrives to work with them to tell their story
Supported Film
A selection from over 400 films we've supported so far, in alphabetical order
5 Broken Cameras
Each camera tells its own story
When his son is born in 2005, Emad Burnat gets his first camera. At the same time in his village of Bil’in, Palestine, a separation barrier is being built – and the villagers begin to resist
A Childish Place
What can innocents teach us about our institutions?
Tazim, 10, has been president of the Children’s Parliament in Varanasi, India for the last two years. But his term is about to end and a new president will be elected by the children of the city Hoping to take
A Funeral to Die For
Burials are big business
Charity Ankarah could have put her feet up when she retired after 40 years working for the post office in London. Instead she took her entrepreneurial spirit back to Ghana where she now runs a bespoke funeral service catering to
A Syrian Love Story
Filmed over 4 years, A Syrian Love Story charts an incredible odyssey to political freedom in the West. For Raghda and Amer, it is a journey of hope, dreams and despair: for the revolution, their homeland and each other. Amer met Ragda,
A World Without Water
All of us will face it soon, some are facing it now
As some of the costliest ever water bills were landing on doormats across the UK, this film investigated the future of the world’s water, painting a disturbing picture of the earth running out of this most basic of resources
Afghan Star
In Afghanistan, you risk your life to sing
After Taliban rule and three decades of war, pop culture has returned to Afghanistan. A Pop Idol-style TV show scours the country for the next generation of stars. Over 2,000 people – including three women – come forward to audition
After the Apocalypse
A region afraid to give birth
Bibigul is a young pregnant woman with what local doctors call a “frightful, defected face.” She is the daughter of Biken, a deformed survivor of a Cold War experiment where 456 nuclear weapons were secretly tested on the population of
Alfred’s Free Press
White and black and read all over
Liberia is struggling to recover from 14 years of civil war. In the capital Monrovia, many people can’t afford the price of a daily newspaper. They rely on The Daily Talk – a chalkboard news bulletin – to keep them